Medical Articles — degenerative disc disease

What is Osteoporosis?

degenerative disc disease osteoarthritis osteoporosis physio for elderly physio in solihull physiotherapy for elderly physiotherapy for seniors stiffness of joints why a physiotherapist why physiotherapy

What is Osteoporosis?

Bone is a very active tissue that is constantly remodeled during life in order to make micro-repairs, adapt the skeleton to mechanical loading and maintain the balance of calcium and phosphorus...

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Why is Lower Back Pain so Common?

back pain back pain physio chronic back pain degeneration degenerative disc disease lower back pain nerve entrapment nerve pain nerves

Why is Lower Back Pain so Common?

Lоwеr back раin iѕ one of thе mоѕt prevalent health conditions wоrldwidе and estimated to affect 60-70% of individuаlѕ severe еnоugh to аffесt their wоrk аnd ԛuаlitу оf lifе... 

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Sciatica Pain & Its Causes

back pain chronic back pain degenerative disc disease herniated disc herniated discs lower back pain lumbar bulging disc neurological disorders physio in solihull piriformis syndrome radiculopathy ruptured discs sciatica sciatica pain spinal tumours spondylolisthesis

Sciatica Pain & Its Causes

Sciatica is the name branded with pain that occurs as a result of irritation of the sciatic nerve. Anything that causes irritation of the nerve can cause pain...

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