Medical Articles — nerve pain
Nerve Pain in the Arm
arm pain nerve nerve entrapment nerve pain nerves

Nerve pain in the arm (radial, ulnar, median etc.) is caused by a compression or impingement exerted by the surrounding tissues: bones, cartilage...
What is the 'IT Band'
causes of knee pain iliotibial band syndrome it band itb itb syndrome knee injury knee pain nerve pain sport injuries

The iliotibial band (ITB) is a fascia of fibrous and thick tissue that is found along the lateral part of the thigh...
What is Nerve Pain?
entrapment neuropathy nerve entrapment nerve pain nerves neurological disorders neuropathic pain nеurораthу

Nerve Pain & its Causes
cаrраl tunnеl sуndrоmе cеntrаl pain syndrome diabetic neuropathy nerve pain neuralgia nеurораthу pоѕthеrреtiс neuralgia sciatica sciatica pain

Why is Lower Back Pain so Common?
back pain back pain physio chronic back pain degeneration degenerative disc disease lower back pain nerve entrapment nerve pain nerves

Nerve Pain Sensation Types and Treatment