Medical Articles — neurological disorders
What is Nerve Pain?
entrapment neuropathy nerve entrapment nerve pain nerves neurological disorders neuropathic pain nеurораthу

Sciatica Pain & Its Causes
back pain chronic back pain degenerative disc disease herniated disc herniated discs lower back pain lumbar bulging disc neurological disorders physio in solihull piriformis syndrome radiculopathy ruptured discs sciatica sciatica pain spinal tumours spondylolisthesis

Sciatica is the name branded with pain that occurs as a result of irritation of the sciatic nerve. Anything that causes irritation of the nerve can cause pain...
Physiotherapy & Chronic Back Pain
back pain back pain physio cerebral palsy chronic back pain chronic pain lower back pain neurological disorders physio in solihull poor posture stiffness of joints why a physiotherapist why physiotherapy

Read on to understand how physiotherapy can bring improvement to back pain symptoms...