Hip and Groin Pain

groin pain hip and groin pain hip pain sport injuries

Hip and Groin Pain Solihull Physiotherapy Simon Evans

In this article, we have gathered some important information about what could be responsible for the occurrence of hip and groin pain, the prevalent symptoms of a hip and groin injury, and a rule you can follow that have found to be useful in avoiding hip and groin pain.

The groin area is the lower part of the body and is surrounded by the lower part of the abdomen, the crotch of the inner thigh and the hip joints. Pain in the groin is common, and its development has been linked with a number of disorders both in the hip joints, as well as in the muscles and tendons around the pelvis.

What are the Causes of Hip & Groin Pain?

One of the common sports activities that have been found to be responsible for the occurrence of groin pain is football; however, the occurrence is not limited to this as it can happen after taking part in any activities that require swift weight shifts and sudden change in direction. Below are the lists of some other factors that may contribute to the development of hip and groin pain:

  • General body wear and tear as you grow old
  • Damage to the hip joint
  • Muscle fiber injuries
  • Overload of the muscles and tendons in the groin area

There are a host of other things which can increase the chance of hip and groin problems, examples include and not limited to lack of control or stability in the pelvis, weakened muscles in the leg and lower back among others. The hip and groin muscles will try to pay back for this lack of stability and muscle strength elsewhere in the body. As time goes on, this can result in pain and excessive pressure on the joints, muscles and hip tendons and groin area.

What are the Symptoms of Hip & Groin Pain?

Pain in the groin can come from abdominal muscles, different groups of muscle found in the thigh and the hip joint. Generally, certain types of activity that pressurise the hip and groin area, such as kicking a ball or changing direction suddenly, cause discomfort.

However, this pain may sometimes be the result of pain radiating from the lower abdominal and genital organs. In the event that you feel any pain spreading from your abdomen or groin, always consult your doctor in order to ensure that you have a muscular-skeletal injury before starting any rehabilitation program.

Adhere to these Rules to avoid Hip & Groin Pains

  • Do not participate in a sport that involves much change in direction
  • Avoid sports that include frequent and/or rapid changes in direction, some examples are football, handball, tennis, badminton, running on uneven terrain or any other activity that causes pain in the bumps.
  • Train the muscles and mobility around the hip and groin area
  • While it is important not to stay away from irritating or worsening your injuries, it is also important to keep the hip joint and muscles active in order to avoid stiffness and poor circulation. Ensure you do exercises that will increase mobility, improve balance and increase stability in the pelvis area.

Ask for Emergency Medical help

In the event that your hip and groin pain occurs as a result of injury and it is accompanied by:

  • A joint that looks deformed
  • Difficulty moving your leg or hip
  • Inability to bear weight on the affected leg
  • Intense pain
  • Sudden swelling
  • Any sign of infection (fever, chills, redness)

Make sure you ask someone to drive you to an urgent and or emergency room for immediate medical attention.

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