Lower Body Anatomy — foot
The Foot & Ankle
ankle ankle eversion ankle inversion ankle ligaments calcaneocuboid joint calcaneus eversion foot inversion inversion and eversion metatarsals midtarsal joint midtarsal joint ligaments phalanges subtalar joint talocalcaneonavicular joint talocrural joint talocrural ligaments tarsal bones

The Skeleton of the Foot and Ankle Comprises of up to 26 bones 7 Tarsal bones 5 Metatarsals 14 Phalanges Plus a variable number of sesamoid bones...
The Foot & Its Arches
arches arches of the foot cuboid cuneo-navicular cuneocuboid foot foot and arches intercuneiform intermetatarsal joint interphalangeal joint intertarsal joints intrinsic muscles of the foot joints of the foot lateral longitudinal arch medial longitudinal arch metatarsophalangeal joint midtarsal subtalar talocrural tarsometatarsal joint transverse arches

Joints of the Foot Large joints Talocrural Subtalar Midtarsal Also note presence of series of typical synovial plane joints between adjacent tarsal bones...