Lower Body Anatomy — joints of the foot
Bones of the Leg & Foot Tibiofibular Articulations
bones of the foot calcaneus collagenous membrane fibula forefoot inferior tibiofibular joint interosseous membrane joints of the foot midfoot superior tibiofibular joint talus the tarsus tibia tibiofibular articulations

The Lower Leg - Bones inc Tibia & Fibula - as well as tibiafibular articulations and ankle joint...
The Foot & Its Arches
arches arches of the foot cuboid cuneo-navicular cuneocuboid foot foot and arches intercuneiform intermetatarsal joint interphalangeal joint intertarsal joints intrinsic muscles of the foot joints of the foot lateral longitudinal arch medial longitudinal arch metatarsophalangeal joint midtarsal subtalar talocrural tarsometatarsal joint transverse arches

Joints of the Foot Large joints Talocrural Subtalar Midtarsal Also note presence of series of typical synovial plane joints between adjacent tarsal bones...