Lower Body Anatomy
Introduction to Osteology & Arthrology
active movement anatomy arthrology ball and socket bone bone tissue bursae cartilanginous condyloid ellipsoid endosteum fibrous capsule fibrous joints flat bones functions of bone gomphosis hinge human skeleton hyaline cartilage irregular bones joint cavity joint movement ligaments long bones osteology passive movement peristeum pivot sesamoid bones short bones spongy bone suture synchondrosis syndesmosis synovial fluid synovial joints synovial membrane trabecular

Introduction to Myology, Neurology & Angiology
action of muscles anatomical classification of muscles angiology axon cardiac muscle cardiovascular system central nervous system cervical concentric dendrites distal attachment eccentric endomysium epimysium fascia fascisles golgi tendon organs intermuscular septa lymphatic system muscle attachments muscle belly muscle fibre muscle tissue myology nerve cells nerve root nervous system neurogenic control neurology perimysium plexi proximal attachment skeletal muscle smooth muscle spinal nerve synovial tendon sheaths tendons thoracic vertebra vertebral column white fibros tissue

Introduction to Myology, Neurology & Angiology includng types of Muscle Tissue, Muscle Attachments and Classification of Muscles...
Introduction to the Vertebral Column, Pelvis & Femur
acetabulum femur ilium innominate bone ischium lamina long bone pelvis pubis sacrum spine spinous process vertebral column

The Vertebral Column is made up of 33 vertebrae - each identified by a letter / number denoting its relative position - that are separated by an Intervertebral...
The Hip (Coxal) Joint
acetabular labrum aiis articular surfaces asis ball and socket capsule coxal joint extracapsular extracapsular ligament hip hip abduction hip adduction hip extension hip flexion hip lateral rotation hip medial rotation hip rotation hip surface markings iliofemoral intracapsular intracapsular ligament ischiofemoral joint articular surfaces ligaments movements of the hip joint pubic tubercle pubofemoral synovial membrane

The Hip (Coxal) Joint is a Synovial, Ball & Socket joint with unique ligaments, capsule, acetabular labrum amonst synovial joint features...
Muscles Acting at the Hip Joint
adductor brevis adductor longus adductor magnus adductors biceps femoris gluteus maximus gluteus medius gluteus minimus gracilis hamstring muscles hip adduction hip extension hip extensor muscles hip flexion hip flexor muscles hip medial rotators iliopsoas lateral hip rotators lateral rotators muscles acting at the hip joint pectineus rectus femoris sartorius semimembranosus semitendinosus tensor fascia lata

Muscles acting at the Hip Joint are divided into their functional groups, Flexors, Extensors, Adductors, Abductors, Medial Rotators, Lateral Rotators...
The Knee
acl alar folds anterior cruciate ligament bursae collateral ligament femoral condyles femur joint capsule knee knee articular surfaces knee bursae knee extension knee fat pad knee flexion knee joint knee joint capsule knee ligaments lateral collateral ligament lateral meniscus ligaments medial and lateral femoral condyles medial collateral ligament medial meniscus menisci patella pcl posterior cruciate ligament suprapatellar bursa synovial membrane tibia tibial condyles

The Knee is the largest joint in the human body – formed by 3 articulations between 3 bones - femur, tibia and patella Synovial, bicondylar joint...
Muscle of the Thigh Region
acl adductor adductor brevis adductor longus adductor magnus adductors anterior cruciate ligament articularis genu biceps femoris gastrocnemius gracilis hamstrings knee flexor muscles knee ligaments locking mechanism of knee locking mechanism of the knee locking of the knee movement of the patella muscles of the thigh muscles of the upper leg patella patella stability pcl pectineus popliteus posterior cruciate ligament quad muscles quadriceps tendon quads rectus femoris sartorius semimembranosus semitendinosus unlocking of the knee vastus intermedius vastus lateralis vastus medialis

Muscle of the Thigh Region is divided into compartments containing functional groups that include the Rectus femoris, Vastus medialis, Intermedius, Lateralis...
Bones of the Leg & Foot Tibiofibular Articulations
bones of the foot calcaneus collagenous membrane fibula forefoot inferior tibiofibular joint interosseous membrane joints of the foot midfoot superior tibiofibular joint talus the tarsus tibia tibiofibular articulations

The Lower Leg - Bones inc Tibia & Fibula - as well as tibiafibular articulations and ankle joint...
The Foot & Ankle
ankle ankle eversion ankle inversion ankle ligaments calcaneocuboid joint calcaneus eversion foot inversion inversion and eversion metatarsals midtarsal joint midtarsal joint ligaments phalanges subtalar joint talocalcaneonavicular joint talocrural joint talocrural ligaments tarsal bones

The Skeleton of the Foot and Ankle Comprises of up to 26 bones 7 Tarsal bones 5 Metatarsals 14 Phalanges Plus a variable number of sesamoid bones...
Muscles of the Lower Leg
deep plantarflexors dorsiflexors evertors evertors of the foot extensor digitorum longus extensor hallucis longus extensor retinacula flexor digitorum longus flexor hallucis longus flexor retinaculum muscles of the lower leg peroneal retinacula peroneus brevis peroneus longus peroneus tertius plantarflexors retinacula soleus synovial sheaths tibialis anterior tibialis posterior

Compartments of the lower leg Divided into 3 compartments by the intermuscular septa (planes of deep fascia) Anterior compartment...
The Foot & Its Arches
arches arches of the foot cuboid cuneo-navicular cuneocuboid foot foot and arches intercuneiform intermetatarsal joint interphalangeal joint intertarsal joints intrinsic muscles of the foot joints of the foot lateral longitudinal arch medial longitudinal arch metatarsophalangeal joint midtarsal subtalar talocrural tarsometatarsal joint transverse arches

Joints of the Foot Large joints Talocrural Subtalar Midtarsal Also note presence of series of typical synovial plane joints between adjacent tarsal bones...
Body Spaces, Blood Supply & Nerve Supply of the Lower Limb
anterior tibial artery blood supply to lower limb body spaces of the lower limb common peroneal nerve deep peroneal nerve femoral artery femoral nerve lumbar plexus lumbosacral plexus medial and lateral plantar nerves nerve supply obturator nerve plexus popliteal artery posterior tibial artery sciatic nerve superficial peroneal nerve tibial nerve venous drainage

Body Spaces of the Lower Limb Formed by the divergence of soft tissues (muscles and tendons) Femoral triangle Boundaries...