Upper Body Anatomy

Bones of the Pectoral Girdle, Acromioclavicular & Sternoclavicular Joints

acromioclavicular acromioclavicular joints clavicle coracoaromial arch pectoral girdle pelvic girdle sc joint scapula shoulder girdle sternoclavicular

Bones of the Pectoral Girdle, Acromioclavicular & Sternoclavicular Joints

The Shoulder Girdle Evolutionary change in function of upper limb from one of locomotion to a tool for manipulation...

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Muscles of the Pectoral Girdle

depression elevation lateral rotation medial rotation pectoral girdle retraction scapula rhythm scapulohumeral rhythm shoulder girdle trapezius

Muscles of the Pectoral Girdle

Movements of the Shoulder Girdle In order to optimise the positioning of the hand in pace the scapula can glide around the chest wall...

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The Shoulder (Glenohumeral) Joint

ball and socket joint biceps tendon corahumeral ligament glenohumeral joint glenoid labrum labrum rotator cuff tendons shoulder joint subacromial bursa

The Shoulder (Glenohumeral) Joint

Articular Surfaces Class - Synovial, Ball & Socket joint Close packed in abduction/lateral rotation| Articular Surfaces...

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Muscles Acting at the Shoulder Joint

bones of the forearm deltoid infraspinatus latissimus dorsi pectoralis major rotator cuff subscapularis supraspinatus teres major teres minor

Muscles Acting at the Shoulder Joint

Muscles of the Shoulder Functionally divided into Superficial anterior muscles – Pectoralis major Superficial posterior muscles – Latissimus dorsi...

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The Elbow & Radioulnar Joints

elbow inferior radioulnar joint radioulnar joint superior radioulnar joint ulnar collateral ligament

The Elbow The elbow is a complex joint made up of the humerus articulating with the ulna (ulnohumeral joint) and the radius (radiohumeral joint)...

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Muscles acting at the Elbow Joint

 Bones of the Hand

anconeus biceps brachii bones of the end brachialis brachioradialis coracobrachialis forearm pronator quadratus pronator teres pronators supinator supintors triceps brachii

Muscles acting at the Elbow Joint

 Bones of the Hand

Flexors and Extensors of the Elbow Upper arm is divided into 2 compartments Flexors – biceps brachii, brachialis Extensor...

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The Wrist & Joints of the Hand

collateral ligaments hand midcarpal joint radiocarpal joint skeleton of the hand wrist joint

The Skeleton of the Hand Divided into 3 anatomical regions Carpus – 8 short bones arranged into a proximal row...

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The Hand

carpometacarpal dorsal interossei hand hypothenar eminence intermetacarpal joints interphalangeal joints lumbricals metacarpophalangeal joints palmar interossei thenar eminence

The Hand

The Hand Anatomically comparable to the foot Bones divided into structural and functional divisions Muscles controlling...

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Flexors of the Wrist & Digits

flexor carpi radialis flexor carpi ulnaris flexor digitorum profundus flexor digitorum superficialis flexor pollicis longus flexor retinaculum palmaris longus wrist wrist flexors

Flexors – Superficial Layer Situated primarily on the anterior aspect of the forearm (the only exception being flexor pollicis brevis...

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Extensors of the Wrist & Digits

abductor pollicis longus brachioradialis deep extensors extensor carpi radialis brevis extensor carpi radialis longus extensor carpi ulnaris extensor cummunis extensor digiti minimi extensor digitorum extensor indicis extensor pollicis brevis extensor pollicis longus extensor retinaculum supinator wrist extensors

Extensors – Superficial Layer Situated on the posterior aspect of the forearm As with the flexors the extensors are divided into 2 layers...

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Body Spaces, Blood Supply & Nerve Supply of the Upper Limb

axillary arteries axillary nerve body supply to upper limb brachial artery median nerve musculocutaneous nerve nerve supply nerve supply to upper limb radial artery radial nerve subclavian ulnar artery ulnar nerve venous drainage

Body Spaces of the Upper Limb including blood supply such as the Subclavian and Axillary Arteries and Nerves including Axillary and Radial Nerve...

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